EIMA 2024: DIECI once again takes the top spot on the podium with the innovative Fast Attach
DIECI won the EIMA Technical Innovation Award for the third straight year with the innovative Fast Attach.

DIECI SRL: 60 years of all-Italian history
A look back over 60 years of DIECI SRL and its history, starting with the logo, the symbol of this all-Italian company’s renewal and expansion.

Innovation drives DIECI’s future: we talk about it with CEO Ciro Correggi
Another successful year for DIECI, which focusses on innovation also for 2024. CEO Ciro Correggi tells us about it.

MINI AGRI-E: the customisable, flexible electric telehandler that puts the customer at the centre
How did DIECI-E and the Mini Agri-e, DIECI's first 100% electric telehandler, come about? We ask Davide Comastri, the project manager leading the project.

Dieci Telematic System: innovation at telehandlers service
Service, safety and optimization: all the benefits of DIECI telehandlers' Dieci Telematic System service.

Telehandler rental: analysis of the European context
From France to Europe: what is the current state of the telehandler rental market? We discuss the topic with Laurent Quichon, General Manager of DIECI France.

A year of successes leading to new goals: interview with CEO Ciro Correggi
We talk with the company’s CEO Ciro Correggi, focusing on the successes that marked 2022 and reviewing the upcoming goals of DIECI.

Pegasus: 9 great exclusives for the new DIECI rotating telehandler range
DIECI rotating telehandlers have been renewed, focusing on technology, comfort and safety: the new Pegasus line.

Agri Max Power X2: the telehandler that revolutionizes the agricultural sector
For the first time, HVT-1 technology is available to an agricultural telehandler: these are all the advantages of Agri Max Power X2.

EIMA 2022: DIECI Hybrid Boost System conquers the market with green technology
Hybrid Boost System, the new, eco-friendly control system developed by DIECI, wins the EIMA 2022 Technical Innovation award.